Haa aani haa jeex’ yéi kkwatee
-Our land will return to our hands
::Contribute MONETARILY::
-Indigenous people should not be paying rent on lands that were stolen from them
-Nahaan volunteers much of his time educating his people with mentorship, carving, formline design, and Tlingit language.
-Nahaan recognizes that paying a university or a corporation to practice any part of Tlingit culture is problematic and omits community members who may have been raised in and or currently living in poverty.
-Your contribution will go directly to supporting Nahaans existence which is resistance to colonization.
-Land Back-Housing security is rare for Indigenous people whom own only 2.5% of the so called “united states” while white colonizers own 43.9%. If you would like to buy land and return it to Indigenous people-there is a way to do so.
Gunałchéesh (Thank you)