Cultural Presentations
Nahaan is available for presentations of traditional storytelling, formline and carving demonstrations and workshops, traditional tattoo revival talks, and facilitation of Tlingit language classes. Suicide prevention, pride of identity, sobriety, Indigenous worldview, and health of mind, body and spirit are all addressed through his hired work. With his diverse skillset and knowledge base, Nahaan hopes to help initiate social change and transformation to perpetuate Indigenous liberation of lands, minds, bodies, and waters. Most of his cultural presentations are 30 minutes to 1 hour in length and are available to all audiences from all backgrounds. Longer term and continuing classes are available and can vary in length. They can be a weekend, a week, a month, or a semester with multiple session fees open for negotiation. His current on-going Tlingit language class has been taking place since 2016 in the Seattle area and helps to create an Indigenous prioritized education for underserved populations.